# Result overview

A Result can either Ok or Ko:

  • Ok signifies the operation succeeded
  • Ko signifies the operation failed

A Result, being a simple variable, may also allow you to handle multiple operations that may fail, without throwing / stopping on the first failure

const divide = (a, b) => {
  if (b === 0) {
    throw Err.of('cannot divide {a} by {b}', { a, b })
  return a / b

const [ok, ko] = pipe(
  [ [3,1], [3,0], [1,2], [4,0] ],
  Arr.map(([a, b]) => Result.tryCatch(() => divide(a, b))),

# Summary

# Types

# Ok

interface Ok<T> {
  _tag: Tags.Ok
  ok: T

# Ko

interface Ko<T> {
  _tag: Tags.Ko
  ko: T

# Result

type Result<A, E = unknown> = Ok<A> | Ko<E>

# Functions

# Result.ok

# Description

Create an Ok value

<T>(value: T) => Ok<T>

# Result.ko

# Description

Create a Ko value

<T>(value: T) => Ko<T>

# Result.isOk

# Description

Check if the result is Ok

<A, B>(result: Result<A, B>) => result is Ok<A>

# Example

const result = Result.ok(1)

if (Result.isOk(result)) {

# Result.isKo

# Description

Check if the result is Ko

<A, B>(result: Result<A, B>) => result is Ko<B>

# Example

const result = Result.ko(new Error('some error occured'))

if (Result.isKo(result)) {

# Result.isResult

# Description

Check if unknown variable is a Result

<A = unknown, B = unknown>(result: unknown) => result is Result<A, B>

# Result.fromOption

# Description

Create a Result from an optional value

<E = unknown>(onNone: () => E) => <A>(option: Option<A>) => Result<A, E>

# Example

const user: Result<User, Error> = pipe(
  Arr.find(u => u.id === 'xxxx'),
  Result.fromOption(() => new Error('could not find user'))

# Result.get

# Description

Returns value if the result is Ok, or throws value if result is Ko.

<A, E = unknown>(result: Result<A, E>) => A

# Result.tuple

# Description

Transforms the result into a tuple [ value, error ]

<A, E = unknown>(result: Result<A, E>) => [Option<A>, Option<E>]

# Example

const [value, error] = Result.tryCatch(() => {
  throw new Error('Unknown')


# Result.map

# Description

Map over the Ok value of the Result. The callback is not called if the result is Ko.

<A, B>(fn: (value: A) => B) => <E = unknown>(result: Result<A, E>) => Result<B, E>

# Example

const result = pipe(
  Result.map(nb => nb + 1)


# References

  • Result.mapError - If you want to map over the Ko value instead

# Result.mapError

# Description

Map over the Ko value of the Result. The callback is not called if the result is Ok.

<B, E = unknown>(fn: (value: E) => B) => <A>(result: Result<A, E>) => Result<A, B>

# Example

const result = pipe(
  Result.ko(new Error('some error')),
  Result.mapError(Err.chain('operation failed'))

# References

  • Result.map - If you want to map over the Ok value instead

# Result.join

# Description

Flatten a Result in a Ok value

<A, E>(result: Result<Result<A, E>, E>) => Result<A, E>

# Example

const result: Result<Result<number, Error>, unknown> = pipe(
  Result.map(nb => nb >= 0
    ? Result.ok(nb + 1)
    : Result.ko(new Error('only positives'))

const after: Result<number, Error | unknown> = Result.join(result)

# References

  • Result.chain - Chain another operation returning a Result over an Ok value
  • Result.catchError - Chain another operation returning a Result over an Ko value

# Result.chain

# Description

Chain another operation returning a Result over an Ok value

<A, B, E = unknown>(fn: (value: A) => Result<B, E>) => (result: Result<A, E>) => Result<B, E>

# Example

const result: Result<number, Error | unknown> = pipe(
  Result.chain(nb => nb >= 0
    ? Result.ok(nb + 1)
    : Result.ko(new Error('only positives'))

# References

  • Result.catchError - Chain another operation returning a Result over an Ko value

# Result.catchError

# Description

Chain another operation returning a Result over an Ko value.

<A, E = unknown>(fn: (err: E) => Result<A, E>) => (result: Result<A, E>) => Result<A, E>

# Example

const result: Result<number, Error> = pipe(
  Result.ko(Err.of('some error', { name: 'SomeError' })),
  Result.catchError(err => pipe(err, Err.hasName('SomeError'))
    ? Result.ok(1)
    : Result.ko(err)

# References

  • Result.chain - Chain another operation returning a Result over an Ok value

# Result.fold

# Description

Fold over a Result:

  • call onOk callback when the value is Ok
  • call onKo callback when the value is Ko
<R, A, E = unknown>(onOk: (value: A) => R, onKo: (value: E) => R) => (result: Result<A, E>) => R

# Example

const str = pipe(
    (value) => `Ok = ${value}`,
    (err: Error) => `An error occured: ${err.message}`

expect(str).toBe(`Ok = 1`)

# References

  • Result.get

# Result.swap

# Description

Swap Ok and Ko value

<A, E>(result: Result<A, E>) => Result<E, A>

# Example

const result = pipe(


# Result.tryCatch

# Description

Try/catch an operation. The return value becomes the Ok, and the thrown value becomes the Ko

<A>(fn: () => A) => Result<A, unknown>

# Example

const divide = (a, b) => b === 0
  ? throwError(Err.of('cannot divide by zero'))
  : a / b

const result = Result.tryCatch(() => divide(1, 0))

# References

  • Result.fn

# Result.tryCatchFn

# Description

Resultify the given function, making it return a Result instead of throwing / returning a normal value

<Args extends Array<any>, T>(fun: (...args: Args) => T) => (...args: Args) => Result<T, unknown>

# Example

const divide = (a, b) => b === 0
  ? throwError(Err.of('cannot divide by zero'))
  : a / b

const [ok, ko] = pipe(
  [ [1,2], [3,0], [2,3], [4,0] ],
  Arr.map(Result.tryCatchFn(([a, b]) => divide(a, b))),

# References

  • Result.tryCatch

# Result.unionBy

# Description

Takes a list of value as an input. Applies the function one by one, and returns the first succeeding Result or all errors

<T, A, E>(fn: (member: T, index: number) => Result<A, E>) => (members: NonEmptyArray<T>) => Result<A, Array<E>>

# Example

const numbers = [-2, -3, 1, -7, -12, -6]

const firstPositive = Result.unionBy(nb => nb >= 0
  ? Result.ok(nb)
  : Result.ko(`${nb} is negative`)

expect(pipe([-2, -3, 1, -7, -12], firstPositive)).toBe(1)
expect(pipe([-2, -3, -7, -12], firstPositive)).toEqual([
  `-2 is negative`,
  `-3 is negative`,
  `-7 is negative`,
  `-12 is negative`

# Result.union

# Description

Returns the first succeeding Result or all errors

<A, E>(members: NonEmptyArray<Result<A, E>>) => Result<A, Array<E>>

# Example

const results = [Result.ko(`-2 is negative`), Result.ko(`-3 is negative`), Result.ok(1)]

expect(pipe(results, Result.union, Result.get)).toBe(1)

# Result.structBy

# Description

Takes an object of values as an input and applies a function to all properties, to transform each property to a Result. If all properties are Ok, return an Ok with all values. If one or more properties are Ko, return the list of errors.

<T, A, E>(fn: (prop: T, key: string) => Result<A, E>) => (props: any) => Result<any, Array<E>>

# Example

const parseNbs = Result.structBy((prop, key) => {
  const nb = parseInt(prop)
  return isNaN(nb)
    ? Result.ko(Err.of(`Invalid number {value} at property {key}`, { value, key }))
    : Result.ok(nb)

const result1 = pipe(
    a: "13",
    b: "24",
    d: "6"

expect(pipe(result1, Result.get)).toEqual({
  a: 13,
  b: 24,
  d: 6

# Result.struct

# Description

Takes an object of results as an input. If all properties are Ok, return an Ok with all values. If one or more properties are Ko, return the list of errors.

<T extends any>(props: T) => Result<Struct<T>, Array<StructErrors<T>>>

# Example

const all = pipe(
    a: Result.ok(13),
    b: Result.ok(24),
    d: Result.ok(6)

expect(pipe(all, Result.get)).toEqual({
  a: 13,
  b: 24,
  d: 6