# Dictionnary overview

# Summary

# Types

# Dict

type Dict<A = any> = Record<string, A>

# Functions

# Dict.isEmpty

# Description

Check if object is empty

(dict: Dict<unknown>) => boolean

# Example


# Dict.lookup

# Description

Get the value of a specific key from the dict

(key: string | number) => <A>(dict: Dict<A>) => Option<A>

# Example

const value = pipe(
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe'


# References

  • Dict.get

# Dict.get

# Description

Get the value of a specific key from the dict

(key: string | number) => <A>(dict: Dict<A>) => Option<A>

# Example

const value = pipe(
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe'


# References

  • Dict.lookup

# Dict.set

# Description

Set the value of a specific key in a Dict

@sideEffects this method mutates the given Dict

<A>(key: string | number, value: A) => (dict: Dict<A>) => Dict<A>

# Example

const original = {
  firstName: 'John'
const mutated = pipe(
  Dict.set('lastName', 'Doe')

expect(mutated === original).toBe(true)

# Dict.map

# Description

Calls a defined callback function on each element of a Dict. This function returns a new Dict that contains the results.

<A, B>(fn: (value: A) => B) => (dict: Dict<A>) => Dict<B>

# Example

const result = pipe(
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe'

expect(attrs !== result).toBe(true)

# References

  • Dict.mapIndexed if you need the key

# Dict.mapIndexed

# Description

Calls a defined callback function on each element of a Dict. This function returns a new Dict that contains the results.

<A, B>(fn: (value: A, key: string) => B) => (dict: Dict<A>) => Dict<B>

# Example

const result = pipe(
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe'
  Dict.map((str, key) => `${key} = ${str}`)

expect(attrs !== result).toBe(true)
expect(result.firstName).toBe('firstName = John')
expect(result.lastName).toBe('lastName = Doe')

# References

  • Dict.map if you don't need the key

# Dict.filter

# Description

Filter items out of the array

<A, B extends A>(fn: Dict.Refinement<A, B>): (dict: Dict<A>) => Dict<B>
<A>(fn: Dict.Predicate<A>): (arr: Dict<A>) => Dict<A>

# Example

const result = pipe(
    nb1: 1,
    nb2: -3,
    nb3: 2,
  Dict.filter(value => value >= 0)

  nb1: 1,
  nb3: 2

# References

  • Dict.reject
  • Dict.filterMap

# Dict.reject

# Description

Filter items out of the array

<A, B extends A>(fn: Dict.Refinement<A, B>): (arr: Dict<A>) => Dict<InverseRefinement<A, B>>
<A>(fn: Dict.Predicate<A>): (arr: Dict<A>) => Dict<A>

# Example

const result = pipe(
    nb1: 1,
    nb2: -3,
    nb3: 2,
  Dict.reject(value => value >= 0)

  nb2: -3

# References

  • Dict.filter
  • Dict.filterMap

# Dict.filterMap

# Description

Map and filter undefined values out of the Dict

<A, B>(fn: (value: A, key: string) => Option<B>) => (dict: Dict<A>) => Dict<B>

# Example

const result = pipe(
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: null
  Dict.filterMap(value => value !== null
    ? pipe(value, Str.upper)
    : undefined

  firstName: "JOHN"

# References

  • Dict.filter
  • Dict.reject
  • Dict.compact

# Dict.compact

# Description

Filter undefined values out of the Dict

<A>(value: Dict<Option<A>>) => Dict<A>

# Example

const values = pipe(
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: undefined

  firstName: "John"

# References

  • Dict.filterMap

# Dict.reduce

# Description

Iterate through and accumulate / aggregate a value with a Dict

<A, B>(fn: (acc: B, value: A, key: string) => B, initial: B) => (dict: Dict<A>) => B

# Example

const value = pipe(
    nb1: 2,
    nb2: 5,
    nb3: 3
  Dict.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)


# Dict.collect

# Description

Map over a Dict and return an array

<A, B>(fn: (value: A, key: string) => B) => (dict: Dict<A>) => Array<B>

# Example

const arr = pipe(
    nb1: 1,
    nb2: -3,
    nb3: 2
  Dict.collect((value, key) => [key, value])

  ['nb1', 1],
  ['nb2', -3],
  ['nb3', 2]

# References

  • Dict.keys
  • Dict.values
  • Dict.toPairs

# Dict.isDict

# Description

Checks if the variable is an object

(input: unknown) => input is Dict<unknown>

# Dict.keys

# Description

Collect all keys of the Dict

<A>(dict: Dict<A>) => Array<string>

# Example

const arr = Dict.keys({ firstName: 'John' })

# References

  • Dict.collect
  • Dict.values
  • Dict.toPairs

# Dict.values

# Description

Collect all values of the Dict

<A>(dict: Dict<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const arr = Dict.values({ firstName: 'John' })

# References

  • Dict.collect
  • Dict.keys
  • Dict.toPairs

# Dict.fromPairs

# Description

Create a dict from an array of key/value pairs

<A>(pairs: Array<[string | number, A]> | Array<readonly [string | number, A]>) => Dict<A>

# Example

const dict = Dict.fromPairs([
  ['firstName', 'John'],
  ['lastName', 'Doe']
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe'

# References

  • Dict.toPairs

# Dict.toPairs

# Description

Create an array of key/value pairs from the Dict

<A>(dict: Dict<A>) => Array<[string, A]>

# Example

const arr = Dict.toPairs({
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe'
  ['firstName', 'John'],
  ['lastName', 'Doe']

# References

  • Dict.collect
  • Dict.keys
  • Dict.values
  • Dict.fromPairs

# Dict.concat

# Description

Merge both Dicts. The values of the member Dict have higher priority than the original Dict.

As such, this method corresponds to:

<A>(member: Dict<A>) => (dict: Dict<A>) => Dict<A>

# Example

const merged = pipe(
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe'
    lastName: 'Smith',
    gender: 'M'

  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Smith',
  gender: 'M'

# Dict.union

# Description

Merge both Dicts. The values of the original Dict have higher priority than the member Dict.

As such, this method corresponds to:

<A>(member: Dict<A>) => (dict: Dict<A>) => Dict<A>

# Example

const merged = pipe(
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe'
    lastName: 'Smith',
    gender: 'M'

  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe',
  gender: 'M'

# Dict.intersect

# Description

Intersection of both Dicts based on their keys. This means, only the keys that are both in member and the original Dict will be kept.

<A>(member: Dict<A>) => (dict: Dict<A>) => Dict<A>

# Example

const intersection = pipe(
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe'
    lastName: 'Smith',
    gender: 'M'

  lastName: 'Doe'

# Dict.difference

# Description

The difference between both Dicts based on their keys. This means, all keys in member will be removed from the original Dict.

<A>(member: Dict<A>) => (dict: Dict<A>) => Dict<A>

# Example

const diff = pipe(
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe'
    lastName: 'Smith',
    gender: 'M'

  firstName: 'John'

# Dict.omit

# Description

Returns a new dict without the specified keys

(props: Array<string>) => <A>(obj: Dict<A>) => Dict<A>

# Dict.pick

# Description

Returns a new dict containing only the specified keys

(props: Array<string>) => <A>(obj: Dict<A>) => Dict<A>