# Promise overview

This namespace contains various utilities for Promises, as well as pipeable versions of most native methods.

A Promise represents an eager asynchroneous action.

# Summary

# Functions

# Prom.of

# Description

Creates a promise that resolves.

<A>(value: A) => Promise<A>

# Prom.resolve

# Description

Creates a promise that resolves.

<A>(value: A) => Promise<A>

# Prom.reject

# Description

Creates a promise that rejects.

<A>(value: A) => Promise<never>

# Prom.thunk

# Description

Creates a promise from a thunk. If the thunk throws, fromIO will catch the error and create a promise that rejects.

<A>(fn: () => A | PromiseLike<A>) => Promise<A>

# Prom.sleep

# Description

Creates a promise that waits a specific amount of milliseconds before resolving.

(ms: number) => Promise<void>

# References

  • Prom.delay

# Prom.delay

# Description

Taps the promise and delays the resolving by a specific amount of milliseconds.

(ms: number) => <A>(prom: PromiseLike<A>) => Promise<A>

# Example

const result = await pipe(
  Prom.delay(1000) // Waits 1 second before resolving 42

# References

  • Prom.sleep

# Prom.map

# Description

Maps over the value of a resolving promise.

<A, B>(fn: (value: A) => Prom.Not<B>) => (promise: PromiseLike<A>) => Promise<Prom.Not<B>>

# Example

const result = await pipe(
  Prom.map(a => a + 1)


# References

  • Prom.mapError
  • Prom.chain

# Prom.mapError

# Description

Maps over the error of a rejecting promise.

<B>(fn: (err: any) => Prom.Not<B>) => <A>(promise: PromiseLike<A>) => Promise<A>

# Example

try {
  await pipe(
    Prom.reject(Err.of('some error')),
    Prom.mapError(Err.chain('could not execute xxxx'))
} catch (err) {
  expect(err.message).toBe("could not execute xxxx: some error")

# References

  • Prom.map
  • Prom.catchError

# Prom.chain

# Description

Chain another promise to execute when the promise resolves.

<A, B>(fn: (value: A) => PromiseLike<B>) => (promise: PromiseLike<A>) => Promise<B>

# Example

const result = await pipe(
  Prom.chain(a => pipe(
    Prom.of(a + 1),


# References

  • Prom.map
  • Prom.catchError

# Prom.catchError

# Description

Chain another promise to execute when the promise rejects.

<B>(fn: (err: any) => PromiseLike<B>) => <A>(promise: PromiseLike<A>) => Promise<B | A>

# Example

const result = await pipe(
  Prom.reject(Err.of('some error', { name: 'SomeError' })),
  Prom.catchError(err =>
    pipe(err, Err.hasName('SomeError'))
     ? Prom.of('success')
     : Prom.reject('reject')


# References

  • Prom.mapError
  • Prom.chain

# Prom.then

# Description

Pipeable version of the native Promise.then function.

<A, B>(fn: (value: A) => B | PromiseLike<B>) => (promise: PromiseLike<A>) => Promise<B>

# Prom.tap

# Description

When the promise resolves, execute a side-effect on the current value without modifying the value

<A, B>(fn: (value: A) => B | PromiseLike<B>) => (promise: PromiseLike<A>) => Promise<A>

# Example

const result = await pipe(
  Prom.tap(value => console.log('received value', value)),
  Prom.map(a => a + 1)


# Prom.tapError

# Description

When the promise rejects, execute a side-effect on the current error without modifying the error

<B>(fn: (err: any) => B | PromiseLike<B>) => <A>(promise: PromiseLike<A>) => Promise<A>

# Example

const [, error] = await pipe(
  Prom.reject(new Error('Internal error')),
  Prom.tapError(err => console.error('An error occured', err)),

expect(error?.message).toBe('Internal error')

# Prom.all

# Description

Combine an array of promises into a single promise. As promises are eager and executed directly, all promises are executed in parallel.

To execute promises in sequence / in concurrency, use Tasks.

<A>(promises: Array<PromiseLike<A>>) => Promise<Array<A>>

# Example

const results = await pipe(
  [Prom.of(1), Prom.of(2), Prom.of(3)],


# References

  • Task.all
  • Task.sequence
  • Task.concurrent

# Prom.tryCatch

# Description

Try/catch a promise:

  • A promise that resolves will return an Ok.
  • A promise that rejects will return a Ko.
<A, E = unknown>(promise: PromiseLike<A>) => Promise<any>

# Example

const result = await pipe(


# Prom.struct

# Description

Merge a struct of Promises into a single Promise.

<A extends any>(obj: A): Prom.Struct<A>
(obj: any): Promise<any>

# Example

const relations = await pipe(
    profiles: findProfilesByUserId(userId),
    permissions: findPermissionsByUserId(userId),
    posts: findPostsByUserId(userId),
    friends: findFriendsByUserId(userId),

# References

  • Task.struct if you want to limit concurrency

# Prom.timeout

# Description

Timeout a promise after the given amount of milliseconds.

<A>(ms: number, fn: () => A | PromiseLike<A>) => (promise: PromiseLike<A>) => Promise<A>

# Example

const original = pipe(
  Prom.map(() => "Hello!")

const withTimeout = await pipe(
  Prom.timeout(5000, () => Prom.reject(Err.of('Timeout!'))),

expect(pipe(withTimeout, Result.isKo)).toBe(true)