# Array overview

The Arr namespace contains all utilities related to Arrays.

The utilities in this namespace are similar to the array utilities you can find in underscore or lodash.

The big difference however is that they are pipeable, which means they can be chained like in the example below.

const nb = pipe(
  Arr.map(a => a * 2),
  Arr.filter(a => a >= 0),


# Summary

# Functions

# Arr.of

# Description

Create array from value

<A>(value: A) => NonEmptyArray<A>

# Arr.from

# Description

Create array from an iterable

<A>(value: Seq<A> | Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Arr.length

# Description

Get length of array

<A>(arr: Array<A>) => number

# Arr.isArray

# Description

Check if the variable is an array

(arr: unknown) => arr is Array<unknown>

# Arr.isEmpty

# Description

Check if the array is empty

<A>(arr: Array<A>) => arr is []

# Arr.isNonEmpty

# Description

Check if the array is non empty

<A>(arr: Array<A>) => arr is NonEmptyArray<A>

# Arr.head

# Description

Returns the first value in the array. This function returns undefined when the array is empty.

<A>(arr: Array<A>) => Option<A>

# Example

const first = pipe(


# Arr.last

# Description

Returns the last value in the array. This function returns undefined when the array is empty.

<A>(arr: Array<A>) => Option<A>

# Example

const last = pipe(


# Arr.map

# Description

Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that contains the results.

<A, B>(fn: (value: A) => B) => (arr: Array<A>) => Array<B>

# Example

const nbs = pipe(
  Arr.map(a => a + 1)


# References

  • Arr.mapIndexed if you need the index

# Arr.mapIndexed

# Description

Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that contains the results.

<A, B>(fn: (value: A, index: number, arr: Array<A>) => B) => (arr: Array<A>) => Array<B>

# Example

const nbs = pipe(
  Arr.mapIndexed((a, index) => `index ${index} = ${a}`)

 `index 0 = 1`,
 `index 1 = 2`

# References

  • Arr.map if you don't need the index

# Arr.chain

# Description

Chain over array.

<A, B>(fn: (value: A) => Array<B>) => (arr: Array<A>) => Array<B>

# Example

const array = pipe(
  Arr.chain(value => [value, value])

expect(array).toEqual([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3])

# References

  • Arr.chainIndexed if you need the index
  • Arr.map
  • Arr.flatten

# Arr.chainIndexed

# Description

Chain over an array with an index.

<A, B>(fn: (value: A, index: number, arr: Array<A>) => Array<B>) => (arr: Array<A>) => Array<B>

# Example

const nbs = pipe(
  Arr.chainIndexed((a, index) => [a, index])


# References

  • Arr.chain if you don't need the index
  • Arr.map
  • Arr.flatten

# Arr.some

# Description

Check if at least one element in the array matches the predicate

<A>(fn: (value: A) => boolean) => (arr: Array<A>) => boolean

# Example

const childrenAges = [8, 11, 19]
const hasAdult = pipe(childrenAges, Arr.some(age => age >= 18))


# References

  • Arr.every

# Arr.every

# Description

Check if all elements in the array match the predicate

<A>(fn: (value: A) => boolean) => (arr: Array<A>) => boolean

# Example

const childrenAges = [8, 11, 19]
const allAdults = pipe(childrenAges, Arr.every(age => age >= 18))


# References

  • Arr.some

# Arr.join

# Description

Join array values by the given separator

(sep?: string | undefined) => <A>(arr: Array<A>) => string

# Arr.reduce

# Description

Aggregate / accumulate all values in the array into a single value

<A, B>(fn: (acc: B, current: A) => B, initial: B) => (arr: Array<A>) => B

# Example

const nbs = [1,2,3,4]
const total = pipe(
  Arr.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)

# Arr.reject

# Description

Filter items out of the array

<A, B extends A>(fn: Arr.Refinement<A, B>): (arr: Array<A>) => Array<InverseRefinement<A, B>>
<A>(fn: Arr.Predicate<A>): (arr: Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const array = pipe(
  Arr.reject(value => value >= 0)


# References

  • Arr.filter
  • Arr.filterMap

# Arr.filter

# Description

Filter items out of the array

<A, B extends A>(fn: Arr.Refinement<A, B>): (arr: Array<A>) => Array<B>
<A>(fn: Arr.Predicate<A>): (arr: Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const array = pipe(
  Arr.filter(value => value >= 0)

expect(array).toEqual([1, 3])

# References

  • Arr.reject
  • Arr.filterMap

# Arr.filterMap

# Description

Map and filter undefined values out of the array

<A, B>(fn: (value: A) => Option<B>) => (arr: Array<A>) => Array<B>

# Example

const values = pipe(
  Arr.filterMap(x => x >= 0 ? x + 1 : undefined)

expect(values).toEqual([1, 3, 4])

# References

  • Arr.filter
  • Arr.reject
  • Arr.compact

# Arr.compact

# Description

Filter undefined values out of the array

<A>(arr: Array<Option<A>>) => Array<A>

# Example

const values = pipe(

expect(values).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4])

# References

  • Arr.filterMap

# Arr.concat

# Description

Concat a value or an array to an existing array. This function does not modify the existing array, but creates a new one.

<A>(value: A | Array<A>) => (arr: Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const array = pipe(

expect(array).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# References

  • Arr.flatten

# Arr.flatten

# Description

Flatten nested arrays

<A>(arr: Array<Array<A>>) => Array<A>

# Example

const array = pipe(
  [[1,2], [3,4,5]],

expect(array).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# References

  • Arr.chain

# Arr.slice

# Description

Returns a section of an array.

(start?: number | undefined, end?: number | undefined) => <A>(arr: Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const nbs = pipe(


# References

  • Arr.take
  • Arr.skip

# Arr.take

# Description

Take n elements at the start of the array

(nb: number) => <A>(arr: Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const nbs = pipe(


# References

  • Arr.slice
  • Arr.skip

# Arr.skip

# Description

Skip n elements from the array

(nb: number) => <A>(arr: Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const nbs = pipe(


# References

  • Arr.slice
  • Arr.take

# Arr.sort

# Description

Sort array by the given Ord function.

<A>(ord: Ord<A>) => <C extends A>(arr: Array<C>) => Array<C>

# Example

const nbs = pipe(


# Arr.chunksOf

# Description

Split up the array in multiple chunks of the specified length

(size: number) => <A>(arr: Array<A>) => Array<NonEmptyArray<A>>

# Example

const chunks = pipe(

expect(chunks).toEqual([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9]])

# Arr.groupBy

# Description

Split array into multiple arrays grouped by keys.

<A>(fn: (value: A, index: number) => string | number) => (arr: Array<A>) => Dict<NonEmptyArray<A>>

# Example

const groups = pipe(
  ["John", "Jerry", "Betty"],
  Arr.groupBy(str => str[0])

  "B": ["Betty"],
  "J": ["John", "Jerry"]

# Arr.countBy

# Description

Count array elements matching a given key

<A>(fn: (value: A, index: number) => string | number) => (arr: Array<A>) => Dict<number>

# Example

const groups = pipe(
  ["John", "Jerry", "Betty"],
  Arr.countBy(str => str[0])

  "B": 1,
  "J": 2

# Arr.indexBy

# Description

Index each array element by a given key

<A>(fn: (value: A, index: number) => string | number, strategy?: (a: A, b: A) => A) => (arr: Array<A>) => Dict<A>

# Example

const items = pipe(
  [{ id: 1, name: "John" }, { id: 2, name: "Betty" }],
  Arr.indexBy(item => item.id)

  "1": { id: 1, name: "John" },
  "2": { id: 2, name: "Betty" }

# Arr.uniq

# Description

Make all array values unique, by removing all value duplicates.

This is a specialized version of Arr.uniqBy and internally uses Sets.

<T>(arr: Array<T> | ReadonlyArray<T>) => Array<T>

# Example

const uniqNumbers = pipe(


# References

  • Arr.uniqBy

# Arr.uniqBy

# Description

Make all array values unique, by removing all value duplicates The returned array will be automatically sorted by the unique identifiers used for each value

<A>(fn: (value: A) => string | number) => (arr: Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const uniqNumbers = pipe(


# Arr.union

# Description

Combine the unique values of 2 arrays. This means, all unique values of both arrays will be kept.

The returned array will be automatically sorted by the unique identifiers used for each value

<A>(fn: (value: A) => string | number, member: Array<A>) => (arr: Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const uniqNumbers = pipe(
  Arr.union(identity, [2,1,4,3])


# References

  • Arr.intersect
  • Arr.difference

# Arr.intersect

# Description

Intersect the unique values of 2 arrays. This means, only the values that are both in member and the original array will be kept.

The returned array will be automatically sorted by the unique identifiers used for each value

<A>(fn: (value: A) => string | number, member: Array<A>) => (arr: Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const uniqNumbers = pipe(
  Arr.intersect(identity, [2,1,4,3])


# References

  • Arr.union
  • Arr.difference

# Arr.difference

# Description

Compute the difference between both arrays. This means, all values in member will be removed from the original array.

The returned array will be automatically sorted by the unique identifiers used for each value

<A>(fn: (value: A) => string | number, member: Array<A>) => (arr: Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const uniqNumbers = pipe(
  Arr.difference(identity, [2,1,4,3])


# References

  • Arr.union
  • Arr.intersect

# Arr.pluck

# Description

Pluck a specific property out of the objects in the array

<K extends string>(key: K) => <A extends Record<K, any>>(arr: Array<A>) => Array<A[K]>

# Example

const ids = pipe(
  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3}],


# Arr.partition

# Description

Partitions the array in 2 separate arrays.

<A, B extends A>(fn: Refinement<A, B>): (arr: Array<A>) => [Array<B>, Array<InverseRefinement<A, B>>]
<A>(fn: Predicate<A>): (arr: Array<A>) => [Array<A>, Array<A>]

# Example

const [positives, negatives] = pipe(
  [1, -3, 2, 9],
  Arr.partition(nb => nb >= 0)


# References

  • Arr.partitionMap
  • Arr.separate

# Arr.partitionMap

# Description

Maps and partitions the array in 2 separate arrays.

<A, B, C>(fn: (value: A) => Result<B, C>) => (arr: Array<A>) => [Array<B>, Array<C>]

# Example

const [positives, negatives] = pipe(
  [1, -3, 2, 9],
  Arr.partitionMap(nb => nb >= 0
    ? Result.ok(nb + 1)
    : Result.ko(nb - 1)


# References

  • Arr.partition
  • Arr.separate

# Arr.separate

# Description

Separate array of Results in Ok and Ko values

<A, E>(arr: Array<Result<A, E>>) => [Array<A>, Array<E>]

# Example

const [ok, ko] = pipe(
  [Result.ok(1), Result.ko(9), Result.ok(3)],


# References

  • Arr.partition
  • Arr.partitionMap

# Arr.min

# Description

Returns the smallest value in the array. This function may return undefined if the array is empty.

<A>(ord: Ord<A>) => <C extends A>(arr: Array<C>) => Option<C>

# Example

const smallestNb = pipe(
  [1, 7, 3, 4, 2],


# References

  • Arr.min

# Arr.max

# Description

Returns the greatest value in the array. This function may return undefined if the array is empty.

<A>(ord: Ord<A>) => <C>(arr: Array<C>) => Option<C>

# Example

const greatestNb = pipe(
  [1, 7, 3, 4, 2],


# References

  • Arr.min

# Arr.reverse

# Description

Reverse the array

<A>(arr: Array<A>) => Array<A>

# Example

const nbs = pipe(
  [1, 2, 3],


# Arr.find

# Description

Find the first element in the array matching the given predicate

<A>(fn: (value: A, index: number) => boolean) => (arr: Array<A>) => Option<A>

# Example

const nb = pipe(
  [1, 2, 3],
  Arr.find(a => a === 1)


# Arr.includes

# Description

Check if the array includes a specific element

<A>(fn: (value: A, index: number) => boolean) => (arr: Array<A>) => boolean

# Example

const eqNumber = pipe(

const hasNumber = pipe(
  [1, 2, 3],


# Arr.empty

# Description

Returns a new empty array

<A>() => Array<A>

# Arr.sum

# Description

Sum all numbers in the array

(arr: Array<number>) => number

# Example

const nb = pipe(


# References

  • Arr.sumBy

# Arr.sumBy

# Description

Sum all items in the array

<A>(fn: (value: A) => number) => (arr: Array<A>) => number

# Example

const nb = pipe(


# References

  • Arr.sum

# Arr.push

# Description

Push a new value into an existing array. This function will mutate the given array and will not create a new one.

<T>(arr: Array<T>, value: T): NonEmptyArray<T>
<T>(value: T): (arr: Array<T>) => NonEmptyArray<T>

# Example

const array = pipe(